Shapes can be added using the 'RECTANGLE', 'LINE', 'PENCIL' and 'CIRCLE' options, shown on the menu at the bottom of the Cover Design Tool panel.
Drawing A Shape
Click the 'RECTANGLE' or 'CIRCLE' icon and draw the shape by clicking and dragging the mouse.
Shape Colour
Select the shape and click the 'FILL' option to choose a colour.
If you would prefer a transparent shape without colour, select the 'NO FILL COLOUR' option.
Note: if the shape does not have a colour, it must have a line colour.
Line Colour
Select the shape and change the line colour using the 'BORDER' option.
If you would prefer a shape without a border line, select the 'NO BORDER COLOUR' option.
Note: if the shape does not have a line colour, it must have a shape colour.
Line Width
Change the line width using the 'BORDER SIZE' option.
Drag the slider from 1 to 50, with 1 being the thinnest line and 50 being the thickest.
Duplicate Shapes
Duplicate a shape using the copy and paste options shown in the menu at the top of the Cover Design Tool panel.
Select the shape, then click 'DUPLICATE'.